Andrick posted the fifth, originally aired December 3, 2000:

The winner: Chaly/Dalenna:
Panel 1
Reverso: You put your right arm in... You put your
right arm out...
Panel 2
Reverso: Hey, Tracker, I was sort of thinking...
Panel 3
Reverso: You know... right arm in, out, shake, all
that business...
Panel 4
Tracker: Yeah? What?
Panel 5
Reverso: What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's
all about...?
Panel 6
*random endless poking*
Panel 7
Reverso: Cut that out already! I'm sorry I ever
asked... Gah! What're you DOING?!
Panel 8
Tracker: Rule One--Ask stupid questions, expect some consequences...
Look at these arms -- pythons, I tell ya!
So how can you stand there and tell me you don't want me?
Aren't my arms big enough?
I think you're a dip.
But you're, like, bi, right? That means you do anyone!
6 (no speech balloon):
Just 'coz I have no prefference doesn't mean I have no taste.
So why do you keep pokin' me?
...and your hand's a bit high, there, sport!
1: Look at me. I am... magnificent.
2: I must truly be the most sexually desirable being on the planet.
3: No doubt about it, I'm perfect in every way.
4: Yeah, if you could just shake that narcolepsy problem, you'd be set.
5: Don't you opress me, fatboy!
6: What's that for!?!
7: I don't know. Southpark references just make me want to poke you.
1: (Reverso)"I am Thunder!"
2: (Reverso)"I am Fire!"
3: (Reverso)"I am Water! You dare defy me?"
4: (Tracker)"You're shoes are untied..."
5: (Reverso)"Huh? Untied? where? Their not untied I dont even wear shoes!"
7: (Reverso)"What was that for?"
8: (Tracker)"Darn! Forgot my Poking glove of death back home... Must... not... fail..."
Troubled Youth

1: I can't feel my arm!
2: Don't you ever wear a shirt?
3: Look, I can do the same pose as pannel 1!
4: I prefer the poses in pannel 2.
5: Pull my finger.
6: -no bubble-
7: Do that again and I'll shoot.
1: *grunts* Hah! Huh!
2: Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, Tracker.
3: I'm been practicing kung-fu. Faster than the eye can see!
4: Bet you twenty bucks I'm still faster than you.
5: Alright, you're on!
6: *pokepokepoke*
7: No fair! Bet you can't do that again.
8: You never learn. *pokepokepoke*
PANEL 1: Reverso: I hate fleas!
PANEL 2: Reverso: Do you ever have problems with fleas?
PANEL 3: Reverso: I mean, they're all over me. Especially my arms...
PANEL 4: Tracker: Perhaps you should try bathing.
PANEL 5: Reverso: Very funny tracker. I'm not kidding.
PANEL 6: Tracker: Perhaps I can crush them... but look! they're all jumping off! They can't stand your smell!
PANEL 7: Reverso: That's not funny Tracker! STOP IT!
PANEL 8: Tracker: Not until you say Uncle! Say it!
1: My goodnes, I never noticed what fine fur I had.
2: I mean, seriosly, it's silky and smooth. Maybe I should just forgo clothing entirely.
What do you think?
3: Look at this, the coloration is exquisite, the suble hues and tints- I'm beautiful.
4: Shirtless works for me, but you have floppy tummy. Hardly appealing.
6: You're jsut jelous of my supreme manlyness and firm rippling pectorals! You'd look bad by comparison!
7: *poke poke poke!*
8: Cut that out! That proves nothing and invades my personal space!
9: Nope, gotta stick with my first analyisis, there is a definite beginning of a beer belly here.
Reverso: Oh, geez. My arm! What's wrong with my arm!?!
Reverso: Look at this poo spot!
Tracker: Yeah, but can you shoot?
Reverso: P-chew. P-chew. P-chew.
...what with the poking
Reverso: Oh, DEAR MOTHER!!! WHY?!? ARGH!!! DEATH!!!!
Tracker: Hey... now it just looks wrong.
Then an added panel of a beaver saying: Holy fuck that was lame. You all blow.
That wacky beaver.