Daigan posted the tenth, originally aired February 17, 2001 at Fire on the Mountain:

The winner: infinitySPZ:
A: It all started when we were making love, and I told him I used to be a man.
B: *retching*
A.) Hi, I'm fettucine and this is my twin sister, linguine.
B.) Can I make you some cream sauce?
A) Tonight we get to see the movie "Contact".
B) *hurk, retch, blarg*
A) My God! It so small!
B) No! There was shrinkage! SHRINKAGE!!!
A: we are siamese if you please
B: I please
The P.u.P.P
a) *gasp* TEN!
b) What did you fucking expect?
A: look Honey, Jim's jacking off into a cup so we can have our baby.
B: It was my pleasure
a) I told him it would fall off if he kept doing that.
b) Will you quit smirking and get me the damn superglue?
A: What is that naked man over there doing?
B: I just wanna play marbles!
Daigan (Disregarding the bubbles)
...In 2006, shortly after his death, The entertainment industry decided to make a monument in his honour. The plaque read: Paul "Pee Wee Herman" Ruebens.
A: You see, this is why I like jewish boys. *giggle*
B: *in pain* ..stuck.. in foreskin...
A: You know, when I told him we wanted to see pictures, I didn't think he'd show up in PERSON...
B(Scix): And this is where the stitches were at. Ouch!
A: (whispering, so as not to disturb the patient) The Russians say this painkiller is perfectly safe.
B: Ugn!
A: I've drugged my husband. We can do whateve we want tonight, and he won't even notice, he he.
B: Oh, look! A penny!
A: It's my new Husband Trainer anklet. See, whenever he's not doing what he's supposed to, I just push this button here and...
A: (Siamese twins joinned at the head) Would you hurry up? It hurts for us to stand like this.
B: (Photographer) Oh, I dropped my camera in my lap. Oh. Oh dear...
A: That's Corralhead. He used to sail a ship. Some say that one day, the coral just jumped out of the water and gripped his skull.
B: Whoever says that's a goddamn liar!
A: He wants a Prince Albert. He's been at it all day. I keep trying to tell him to have a professional do it, but he keeps picking at it with that sword of his...
B: Ow!
A: And that concludes your first lesson in viginamancy.
B: The humiliation... the pain!
Big Mac
A: What that all over the floor?
b: ..Mayonaise
A: Tee hee, it must be cold in here.
B: Ugh, that's the last time I go to Tijuana. Where are my damn pants?
Big Mac
A: They said NO BUBBLEGUM!
B: Anyone got a napkin?
Big Mac
A: Wow, that was a huge shit.
B: Wow, that was a huge shit.
A: *gasp!*
B: *fwap, fwap, fwap* What? As if you've never masturbated. oohhhh!
A: *gasp!*
B: Oh yes, I'm white chocolate alll over baby. Come and get it. Rrrowr.
The P.u.P.P
A) ...And then the bunny just left...
B) Fucking genital biting rabbit prostitutes.
A: My husband finally got his prayers answered. Zeus gave him a penis enlargement.
B: Woah! I can make it look like a wristwatch!
A: Can you believe how lucky we are to get backstage passes to the Red Hot Chili Peppers!?
B: Anyone seen my sock?
A: He's poopnoccio. When he lies, his poop gets longer.
B: I have the largest penis in the world.
A: This is the strangest abortion clinic I've ever been to.
B(Daigan): Ugh... must have been a bad one...
A: Shh! That weird guy who passed out during the party's waking up, hehe.
B(Furtim): *with a hangover* Please... tell me that one of you slept with me last night...
A: *mmmsmooth kiss smooch*
B(Davan): Fuck. Another one of my girlfriends goes lesbian.
The P.u.P.P
a) What the hell are you doing with that toaster oven?
b)(infinitySPZ) Well I have to finish pleasuring really fast so I can post yet another caption for the contest!
A: Is that Furtim over there? What's he doing?
B: I'm saving myself. Must ... fill ... jar ...
atomic guy
B: ow.......ow......ow....OW!!
A: I warned him about dating that porcupine, but did he listen? Noooooo.
A: He's supposed to be giving results on the Caption Contest.
B: Shaddup. I can handle my liquor. And my uppers. And my narcotics. Just gimme a moment.
A: I love luring men away who are too drunk to get it up!
B: Come on! Two girls! What's wrong with you! ... Does this mean I'm gay?