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Our newest contest (April 2002)! Here are comics with the text removed. Readers are encouraged to post with alternate text, humor being the goal. After 3 days or 15 replies (whichever comes first), whoever posted the original claims the winner. The winner gets to select the next comic to re-caption. Eligible comics include all PDI comics, fanart, guest comics for and by us.

Also, any winner who wishes may receive an avatar card as a prize.

Andrick posted the seventh, originally aired October 8, 2001:

The winner: Honoria:
A: This is sort of a compromising position...
B: You sitting on my lap? I certainly don't mind.
C: No, not that. The fact that we landed in the middle of a freeway.
D: Oh. That. I really hadn't noticed.

A: Wow! This is supple. Is this silk?
B: No, I'm afraid not.
C: Then what is it made of? It's so exquisite!
D: The hides of a thousand human children. They sell it at the Gap.

A: Why are you looking at me like that?
B: I'm not
C: Yes you are, c'mon, why?
D: No, really, I'm looking at the 500 foot tall rampaging lizard tearing up downtown tokyo behind you. She's dreamy.

A: I just want you to know, I'm not usually like this.
B: Yea, I getcha. "Daddy's little girl" and all that. Talk dirty, daddy like.
C: What the hell is that supposed to mean? I was trying to tell you I'm a were and it's a full moon.
D: Oh, uh, yea. That's ... what I meant.

A: I bet you love the idea that I can reach down your pants at any moment
B: Hell Yeah!
C: Just remember it takes 40 pounds of pressure to rip a man's genitals off and I've been lifting weights. Don't call be britney again.

A: So Austin, shall we get shagadelic?
B: But you're a Man baby!
C: Do you really have a problem with that?
D: No, I'm a swinger.

A: You have no defence against my VAGINAMANCY.
B: Yeah, baby, I dig it.
C: I will destroy you, you know.
D: But what a way to go!

A: You know, this reminds me of something out of the Kama Sutra, almost.
B: Ah, you must mean the Milk and Water Embrace.
C: Oh, you know about that? Mmm. I just love an educated man.
D: What a coincidence! So do I!

The P.u.P.P
A: So... Do you do this often?
B: No, why?
C: Because you seem really good at...
D: Shut the fuck up and get me a sandwich you tree loving whore!

A: Can I play with your joystick?
B: Sure! Anytime!
C: I meant your computer.
D: I meant "Sure! Anytime!" Chicks blowing shit up turns me on.

A. You've got breasts!
B. Yeah, I've been growing them as a hobby.
C. "Growing"?
D. Yeah, in genetics lab. They're yours.

A: Toucha-Toucha-touch me
B: I wanna feel Dir-r-r-ty
C: Thrill me chill me fulfill me
D: Creature of the Night

atomic guy
A: There are rings under your eyes.
B: I know, I haven't slept in days.
C: Didn't know I was that good.
D: You aren't, it's that you snore like a sawmill.


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