Aeire posted the fourth, originally aired March 29, 2002:

Brady: Now this is a rare find.
Brady: An ancient pornographic novel. This one is due for destruction because of it's Unholy depiction of unnatural sex.
Brady: The book is so dirty, look at these pictures and the stories. How could anyone look at this SMUT!
*fap fap fap*
Tracker: Uhh... are you masturbating to ancient porn?
*fap fap fap*
Brady: No...
panel 1
Books are great.
panel 2
I can't count the number of hours I've spent with a good book open in my lap.
panel 3
Yes, those teenage years with nothing but the sweet smell of pulp to keep my thoughts away from the sins of onan and now i'm the egyptologist living his dream...
TRACKER: Hey, could you quit humping the desk?
Panel 1:
Brady: This singles guide is just great!
Panel 2:
Brady: Look, here there's even a section for couples looking for a third!
Panel 3:
Brady: Maybe I should call these guys...
Tracker: Hi! I'm the date you called -- hey, waitaminute, you're not Brad Pitt!
Brady: I lied.
Brady: My god! My right arm is really overdeveloping.
Brady: That's it! I need to have a sex life again. But how do I make myself more attractive to others? Hmmm...
Brady: "Tantric Sex and the Art of Seduction"? Tight pants... and bending over at the hips...? Kinda' like this perha-
Tracker: May I buy you a drink?
Brady: Bingo! I mean "yes".
Panel 1: Ahh, here it is.
Panel 2: There is a legend of a mysterious lander, who came down from the heavens and changed all of then mankind.
Panel 2-3: And it describes a staff. I belive I've found the staff used to... to...
Panel 3 Tracker: Geesh, man, you just creamed.
Panel 3 scientist: Sorry, herms make me spooge.
rin_desu I call this one "public transit"
panel 1
All night, me and the books.
panel 2
Dear Penthouse Forum... I never thought it could happen to me!
And then she said "who cares about the star fruit, I just wanted to whip the cream!", and then we did it all over ag...
panel 3
TRACKER: Hey, what bus do I take to get to Abydos from here?
Brady: And so here it is...
Brady: The evidence is pretty conclusive, if you ask me.
Brady: You are destined to go back in time, and furthermore, to make it with some freaky demon chick.
Tracker: Hey, that could be anyone shagging that Succubus.
Brady: With those sideburns?