Monday , October 22 , 2001
Hey, folks, it's another art day, and an anouncement: Sorry, PDI is taking a brief vacation. I won't spend any energy telling you why and offering excuses, but I *do* assure you we'll be back on November first -- Pagan New Year. This means that when we return our PDI calendar will be about two weeks off, but not stories will be truncated -- Halloween will just be a bit late is all. In the meantime:
Fanart for Xenith. This is Whisp. |
Shrike. Tony's been practising cloth -- think he's doing pretty well, huh?
So, what shall you do without us?
- Post in our forum, and let us know what's going on with you and what you'd like to see more of in PDI.
- Go through the PDI Archives -- see if you can catch any foreshadowing!
- Read Tony's and Scott's Livejournal and see what's going on in our lives.
- Visit our friends on the links page
- Visit Tony's art pages to see his latest drawings
- Visit the site of Scott's home page, and watch as he reconstructs it from a (*shudder*) FrontPage-created freeserver website!
- Email us and let us know what's going on in your lives, and how much you LURVE PDI (or hate it -- we laugh at hate mail)
- Vote for us for the Keenspace 99, or rate us on Littel Dragon.
- Visit out Help page to find ways to spread the word about PDI
- Help our hosts: click the ad banners, write the advertisers thanking them for advertising on Keenspace, contact your favorite companies and let them know about the great deal they could get advertising on Keenspace
- I would say order some great PDI shwag, but it's really old and plain-- except I think the coffee cups are still kinda cool. Let us know what you'd be into having, either cyber-content or mail-order goodies, from PDI. Among Ideas in the works: Tracker-colored T-shirts complete with the paw print, a Psychic Power/Dyslexia test kit and/or Institution registration/welcome kit, and boxers. What else?
- Come back on the first and give us your full and vocal support -- nothing keeps cartoonists going like fanmail, forum posting, fanart, and general whoop-di-doo!
The Scix