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Our newest contest (March 2002)! Here are comics with the text removed. Readers are encouraged to post with alternate text, humor being the goal. After 3 days or 15 replies (whichever comes first), whoever posted the original claims the winner. The winner gets to select the next comic to re-caption. Eligible comics include all PDI comics, fanart, guest comics for and by us.

Also, any winner who wishes may receive an avatar card as a prize.

Scix posted the first, originally aired January 21, 2002:

Panel 1:
Oh man I hear one of thoose new designer pets running around.

Panel 2:
Dangit. If they are going to let the darn things run free they should at least make them wear a diaper.

Panel 1:
Jumping out of an airplane. A train ride. A car chase. Jumping out of an airplane. Another car chase. Four hours of waiting. Jumping out of an airplane, again, then fighting with a four-hundred-pound texan over the last parishute and my shoes. Some would say it wasn't worth it. Not even to recover these.

Panel 2:
But, I mean, just LOOK at these shoes! I couldn't have just given up the chase, now, could I?

Pannel 1:
"Gee, Fosa giving me this whip, a trip to Egypt, and me in this get-up..."

Pannel 2:
"Folks, I'll give you these shoes if you don't belive that Scott has me on a Indiana Jones spoof."

1st panel:
These places always make me so nostalgic... The people talking, the light, the occassional oddball...

2nd panel:
...The bubblegum stuck under my shoes. Yuck!

First Panel:
Well, here I am at Woodstock, I feel so square. What can I do to fit in?

Second Panel:
"Okay, who's up for a game of Hacky Sack?"

The house? Fine. Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion? I fucked 'em. Wicked Witch & Flying Monkeys? Whatever.

The ruby slippers have GOT to go.

Panel 1
Perhaps I shouldn't be so calm about these greyscale atomic blasts?

Panel 2
Hey, check out my purple boots of proof versus radiation +5!

Matt Trepal
Panel 1:
"Well, no, they're not ruby," he says. "The factory says they work just the same," he says.

Panel 2:
Dammit! That's the last time I trust a member of the Lollipop Guild!

Panel 1:
Ooh, this stuff glides so well . . .

Panel 2:
The shoe polish! Geez what did you think I was referring to?

Panel 1:
I should've used the silicone lube...

Panel 2:
This water based stuff turned the leather some really ODD colours...

Panel 1:
Soon My plans will be complete.

Panel 2:
I have found the Purple Monkey shoes. Next I shall have the Purple Monkey Pants!

panel 1:
why is it whenever i say "zeeky booky dook" i end up with purple-glitter platforms?

panel 2:

Panel 1:
[tracker]: I can't believe the things I do for that Purple Penguin.
[guy on left]: orange whip?
[guy on right]: three orange whips!

Panel 2:
It's eight thousand miles to Egypt, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and I'm wearing purple sparkle platforms. Hit it.


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Psychic Dyslexia Institute comic, characters, writing, images and design © Maddix and Port 2000-2001